2010年11月4日 星期四

Potty training 進度

Sheryl已經兩歲啦, 我諗大部份家長都已經好緊張噤進行緊potty training.

我地都有嘅, 不過我真係唔多緊張.  講真著多幾個月片又唔洗死!  外國research都講左小朋友至少兩歲先好開始介片, 有d更加建議2.5歲先好開始.

不過香港唔同, 家長個個都要爭第一, 連介片都要爭!  我比較相信小朋友ready先好開始, 如果唔係只會拉長介片過程.

而家Sheryl其實已經大部份時間喺potty poo-poo, 都識自己講話要poo-poo.  而坐落potty都會vi-vi.  試過幾次自己話要vi-vi, 不過好快就已經痾左.  所以我都無特登train佢vi-vi住, 只係定時帶佢去potty坐下.

見身邊有d朋友都好緊張幫囝囡介片, 更加緊張到接受唔到讀緊pre-nursery嘅囝囡喺學校癩尿, 覺得係學校問題, 因為小朋友喺屋企唔會癩.  其實呢, 喺屋企唔癩都好合理, 因為小朋友一要去就可以即刻有人帶佢去.  學校又真係唔同, 又唔知小朋友有無即刻voice out, 又可能佢已經忍左一陣先voice out, 老師要搵人帶佢去又要時間, 所以又唔怪得晒學校!  何況真正成功介左片嘅, 就應該可以忍得耐d啦.  事實係小朋友仲未算完全成功介片, 只係父母接受唔到囉!

我個人就唔係好認同呢種心態, 好似無形中比左壓力小朋友噤....... 

轉貼自: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/potty-training/CC00060

Potty training: How to get the job done

Potty training is a major milestone. Get the facts on timing, technique and handling the inevitable accidents.

By Mayo Clinic staff

Potty training is a big step for parents and kids alike. The secret to success? Patience — perhaps more patience than you ever imagined.

Is it time?

Potty training success hinges on physical and emotional readiness, not a specific age. Many kids show interest in potty training by age 2, but others may not be ready until age 2 1/2 or even older. And there's no rush. If you start potty training too early, it may only take longer.

Is your child ready? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Does your child seem interested in the potty chair or toilet, or in wearing underwear?
  • Can your child understand and follow basic directions?
  • Can your child ask simple questions?
  • Does your child stay dry for periods of two hours or longer during the day? Does he or she wake from naps dry?
  • Does your child have fairly predictable bowel movements?
  • Does your child tell you through words, facial expressions or posture when he or she needs to go?
  • Is your child uncomfortable in wet or dirty diapers?
  • Can your child pull down his or her pants and pull them up again?

If you answered mostly yes, your child may be ready for potty training. If you answered mostly no, you may want to wait awhile — especially if your child has recently or is about to face a major change, such as a move or the arrival of a new sibling. A toddler who opposes potty training today may be open to the idea in a few months.

There's no need to postpone potty training if your child has a chronic medical condition but is able to use the toilet normally. Be aware that the process may take longer, however.

Ready, set, go!

When you decide it's time to begin potty training, set your child up for success. Start by maintaining a sense of humor and a positive attitude. Then:

  • Pull out the equipment. Place a potty chair in the bathroom. You may want to try a model with a removable top that can be placed directly on the toilet when your child is ready. Encourage your child to sit on the potty chair — with or without a diaper. Make sure your child's feet rest firmly on the floor or a stool. Help your child understand how to talk about the bathroom using simple, correct terms. You might dump the contents of a dirty diaper into the potty chair to show its purpose, or let your child see family members of his or her sex using the toilet.
  • Schedule potty breaks. If your child is interested, have him or her sit on the potty chair or toilet without a diaper for a few minutes several times a day. For boys, it's often best to master urination sitting down, and then move to standing up after bowel training is complete. Read a potty-training book or give your child a special toy to use while sitting on the potty chair or toilet. Stay with your child when he or she is in the bathroom. Even if your child simply sits there, offer praise for trying — and remind your child that he or she can try again later.
  • Get there — fast! When you notice signs that your child may need to use the toilet — such as squirming, squatting or holding the genital area — respond quickly. Help your child become familiar with these signals, stop what he or she is doing and head to the toilet. Praise your child for telling you when he or she has to go. Teach girls to wipe carefully from front to back to prevent bringing germs from the rectum to the vagina or bladder. When it's time to flush, let your child do the honors. Make sure your child washes his or her hands after using the toilet.
  • Consider incentives. Some kids respond to stickers or stars on a chart. For others, trips to the park or extra bedtime stories are effective. Experiment to find what works best for your child. Reinforce your child's effort with verbal praise, such as, "How exciting! You're learning to use the toilet just like big kids do!" Be positive even if a trip to the toilet isn't successful.
  • Be consistent. Make sure all of your child's caregivers — including baby sitters, child care providers and grandparents — follow your potty-training routine.
  • Ditch the diapers. After several weeks of successful potty breaks, your child may be ready to trade diapers for training pants or regular underwear. Celebrate this transition. Go on a special "big kid" outing. Call close friends or loved ones and let your child spread the news. Once your child is wearing training pants or regular underwear, avoid overalls, belts, leotards or other items that could hinder quick undressing.
  • Treat mistakes lightly. Accidents are inevitable — especially when your child is tired or upset. When it happens, stay calm. Simply say, "Uh-oh. There was an accident. Let's change you. Pretty soon you'll remember to use the potty chair every time you have to go."
  • Sleep soundly. Most children master daytime bladder control within six months of starting potty training. Nighttime control may take months — or years — longer. In the meantime, use disposable training pants or plastic mattress covers when your child sleeps.
  • Know when to call it quits. If your child resists using the potty chair or toilet or isn't getting the hang of it, take a break. Chances are he or she isn't ready yet. Try it again in a few months.

Accidents will happen

You may breathe easier once your child figures out how to use the toilet, but expect occasional accidents and near misses. Here's help preventing — and handling — wet pants.

  • Slow down. Remind your child to relax and take it slow. Completely emptying the bladder can help prevent accidents.
  • Offer reminders. Accidents often happen when kids are absorbed in activities that — for the moment — are more interesting than using the toilet. To fight this phenomenon, suggest regular bathroom trips, such as first thing in the morning, after each meal and snack, and before getting in the car or going to bed. Point out telltale signs of holding it, such as holding the genital area.
  • Stay calm. Kids don't have accidents to irritate their parents. If your child has an accident, don't add to the embarrassment by scolding or disciplining your child. You may say, "You forgot this time. Next time you'll get to the bathroom sooner."
  • Be prepared. If your child has frequent accidents, absorbent underwear may be best. Keep a change of underwear and clothing handy, especially at school or in child care.

When to seek help

Occasional accidents are harmless, but they can lead to teasing, embarrassment and alienation from peers. If your potty-trained child reverts or loses ground — especially at age 4 or older — or you're concerned about your child's accidents, contact his or her doctor. Sometimes wetting problems indicate an underlying physical condition, such as a urinary tract infection or an overactive bladder. Prompt treatment can help your child become accident-free.

2010年10月8日 星期五

Dream living place

Sheryl第一次肯自己咩袋袋出街!  去邊噤急呀?


等船期間Sheryl突然好肉緊噤要hug hug媽咪



自拍全家福, 最衰阿囡個口仲有舊包.............


其實好鍾意愉景灣, 好外國feel.........



不過除非唔洗做, 如果唔係交通真係太唔方便!

小朋友可以住呢度其實都幾好架!  黃昏時好多人帶狗狗同小朋友喺廣場玩, 好relax ~~


Sheryl喺人地超市門口個dog park見到dogdog, 又十級熱情噤走過去打招呼.  結果嚇到白色果隻狗狗彈開幾尺遠避佢...................

仲唔死心要撩人地, 抵比人(狗)"藐"!  wakakakakaka!


國慶假期前3日阿囡都發燒, 學都無得返, 好彩佢好識做地一放假就退燒!

國慶一於出去吸下新鮮空氣, 就近近地去赤柱啦! 




見到人地玩緊bubbles, 又肉緊到唔知點好..........


姊妹合照, 我地似唔似樣呀?

有小朋友過黎摸Milky, Sheryl仲負責介紹, "Milky's head!"  但係點解要介紹個頭only呢??????



點知唔夠幾秒, 喪b又叉足電再玩過!  仲要係噤玩"行樓梯", 難為你阿媽我要跟住你後面一齊行!  攰屎我!

結論係: Milky真係乖好多, 叫佢行就行企就企, 又唔會扭計, 同佢出街輕鬆好多 (所以daddy全程爭住要負責拖Milky....)

2010年10月7日 星期四




真係喪上加喪, 連阿媽喺邊都好少理!

So happy ~~~~

Marco哥哥: "我想拎個波黎睇下呀..."  (下? 有咩好睇?)

Sheryl " no ~~~~~~~~~~"

最終Marco失敗左.....因為個籍口實在太爛!  不過....個波其實係Marco架喎!  wakakakaka!

喪跑完入酒店食好抵食好味dinner buffet, 仲有Halloween theme



呢d就叫床頭打交床尾和, 仲一齊玩煮飯仔!


2010年9月29日 星期三

I like painting 之 bb畢加(思)索

阿囡係一個開心bb, 成日笑又鍾意同人玩, 媽咪希望你呢個性格可以keep住, 做個開朗嘅小朋友.  

不過有時又覺得你hyperactive得滯, 一玩開就玩到喪~~~

所以要比你接觸下"藝術", 培養下耐性同"內涵"

上緊柏斯音樂班, 大d應該都會比你試下學樂器. 


呢set有10支paint brush, 10隻顏料杯, 同埋10支顏料.  不過我淨係買左brush同cup, 無買果10支color, 買左crayola普通果隻6色paint color.  一來因為果10支color貴, 二來我打算一開始只係比3原色(紅黃藍)Sheryl玩, 可以學埋mix color , 所以平平地買 crayola.




媽咪當初仲擔心你周圍畫, 點知你已經好"自律"地淨係畫喺張紙度, 乖乖.....

本來舖排左比你"發現"red+blue=purple.  點知溝極個purple都唔似, 反而突然聽到你大叫"GREEN"!  叫到好似發現新大陸噤款!  原來無意間真係比你自己"發現"左blue+yellow=green!  因為係自己發現, 印象特別深刻, 自此之後, 就學識左blue+yellow=green啦!  . 

畫畫下又出新招, 話要坐喺地下畫.........



最後仲要玩埋finger paint...................

畢加(思)索大師完成左兩幅大作, 等我去ikea買個相架掛起你d名畫先!

最後玩到唔肯收嘢, 而家成日都話要玩painting!