2012年5月19日 星期六

英國Amazon發現超抵的Read At Home Level 5

Oxford Reading Tree 的 Read at Home系列是Sheryl最愛的Story books.  之前喺淘寶已經買晒Level 1 to Level 4 (平過香港買好多!!!)

雖然Sheryl唔識睇d字, 不過成日要我地讀比佢聽, 之前買落果d佢已經識背噤濟........

點知原來淘寶d貨尾已經差唔多賣晒, level 5得一兩本only.  心血來潮諗住去UK Amazon睇下其實level 5有幾多本, 比我發現有間shop做緊clearance, 一套13本只係GBP$19, 加埋international shipping都係total GBP$26.  計返約港幣$300左右, 但係有13本, 平均每本都係$25 , 淘寶買計埋運費都差唔多. 如果香港買要double price呀!

所以又敗左返黎, international shipping 3星期左右寄到!


3 則留言:

  1. taobao約來約難找齊全套,有時真想買定treetop的書呢!

  2. Hi, have came across your blog and found that you have purchsed the Read at home serious from TaoBao. I am interested in buying the Level 1 for my daughter, I have searched TaoBao but seems there are many sites. I am not sure which one is reliable. Thus, wonder if you have the shop name or link which you have purchased before and reliable? Sorry, I have not use TaoBao before. Thanks so much.

  3. 可以share邊間買嗎?
