2013年7月2日 星期二


Sheryl嘅英文叫做係 "中英數"入面最好....計數唔多掂之前講過, 其實中文都不相伯仲...唉.....

好彩英文叫好少少, 學校有教phonics, 進度ok, 所以之前上緊嘅Oxford RWI 暫時停左, 一來加價, 二來進度慢.

而家Sheryl閱讀英文ok, 可以自己睇ORT kipper and floppy Level 8, 不過寫同串字就未得.  因為我無要求佢死記背串字, 佢自己用phonics串, 所以係唔準確嘅.  有見及此, 而家每晚做完學校d功課之後就同佢做下exercises. 

呢個系列幾好, Sheryl好鍾意做, 因為有Stickers!

另一本係Sight Word, 做得多d, 因為早期閱讀係靠sight word, 所以我無著重教佢認noun (即係cambridge starter exam果d)

本exercise每次做兩版, 每次學4個sight words, 每晚學4個, Sheryl喺兩個月內已經完成左200個sight words, 閱讀能力大有進步,  兩個月前仲睇緊ORT Level 2, 而家Level 8都ok, 係間中有d深字要提下佢, 佢都自己可以拼讀到.

而家Sheryl可以自己read instruction 跟住完成exercises.

開始做reading comprehension, 睇段文佢無問題, 係要提下先寫到complete sentences.

以下呢篇日記, 係我協助下寫嘅, 大部份sight word自己串到, 不過其餘好大部份係我串比佢聽 (唔係自己完成, 唔洗驚訝!)

因為Sheryl自己有興趣 (佢晚晚都自己要求要做英文exercises), 所以同佢報左miniMinds 嘅英文串字writing 班, 今個月中開始, 希望物有所值啦 (因為都幾貴)!!!!

8 則留言:

  1. Hi, I have been reading your blog for long. Would you mind letting me know where did you buy the english exercises book above, please? Thanks a lot!

  2. 我家兩豆丁 - audreyMAmi2013年7月19日 清晨5:12

    第一次來你blog到訪啊... :) 你好

  3. 言語治療師加英文教師Carley2013年8月6日 下午3:29

    呢set ex係不錯的!有趣程度又適合香港小朋友!

  4. hi, first time to read your blog, your kids are so cute and they are very lucky to have a mother like you. once again, thanks for sharing the information..

  5. Hello, 請問你會將個blog 搬去邊呀? 可以點樣繼續follow 呢?


  6. 你的blog會搬到哪裡?希望你會繼續寫哦,獲益良多!

  7. HI, I used to read your blog on and off. Thanks for your sincere sharing, all of them are informative and encouraging. Yahoo Blog will be closed soon. Will you move your blog link to somewhere. Really hope to follow you. My girl is 4.5yrs old!!!
    BTW, do you mind sharing the bookname of above as I can't find them in Jusco?
    Best wishes to you and your family!

  8. Hihi CMSA Family, 請問你會搬個blog 去邊度呀?

    thanks thanks thanks
