本來十五十六唔知買唔買呢張bumbo chair, 因為只係可以坐幾個月. 不過呢排Sheryl以為自己坐得穩, 成日都要坐起身, 唔比佢坐就瞓喺床度尖叫!!! 無個穩陣d嘅位比佢坐, 就要成日扶住佢, 真係手都軟埋. 所以結果都係要豪三百幾蚊買左呢張bumbo chair!
Sheryl 坐左落去就勁開心, 梗係以為自己已經坐得穩啦!
Sheryl: 阿媽仲咩無端端'擺我上枱"呢?????
不過大家要留意, 坐呢張bumbo chair其實係唔應該放喺枱或sofa上面架, 要closely supervise先得!
哎呀! 你早d出聲我借比你嗎!
回覆刪除how long can sheryl sit on it ar? it doesnt have head support. can she sit comfortably? i am also wondering if i should buy one too. now that my bb is almost 4 months old...