2009年9月5日 星期六

Sheryl @ Tutor Time (加送校服造型照!!!)

今日係Sheryl第一堂regular playgroup @Tutor Time.  本來諗住報北角果間, 但係要waitlist, 所以就報左紅山半島(赤柱)果間, 佢地話係最後一個位喎.  其實我屋企去紅山同去北角嘅車程時間一樣, 加上竟然紅山學費平過北角!!!!  Tutor Time playgroup同之前Gymboree同Kindermusik 有d唔同, 一來係環境, Tutor Time係一間幼稚園, facilities多好多, 而且上playgroup個形式同nursery有d類似.  仲有就係時間, Gymboree係45分鐘, Tutortime係double (90 分鐘), 對Sheryl嘅attention span黎講都係一種挑戰!

10:30am上堂, 我地10:00am出車, 點知星期六上午無咩車, 10:15am就到, 攪埋registration時間都差唔多啦! 每個學生都有一個personal cubby, 用黎放衫仔鞋仔功課, 拉左少少出黎果個就係Sheryl架啦!  下次仲會有Sheryl張相喺上面添!

由於唔比影相, 所以唯有'形容"下個環境啦!  d課室好大, 仲有兩個大室內playground, 加上好光猛, 地方真係好ok喎!  我地等上堂時仲發現我地樓下個鄰居, 帶佢個細Sheryl一個月嘅囝囝黎上堂, 仲要同Sheryl同一班呀, 真係好啦, Sheryl第一日上堂就有朋友仔啦!

個組有7個bb, 頭45分鐘係英文老師lead, 內容如下:

1.  circle time唱歌玩clap, bounce, twist, tapping 等等warm up

2. Activity time, 玩playdoh, messy play (麵粉同painting)

3.  Story time, 聽老師講故事同睇故事書

跟住大約10-15分鐘Snack time, 老師分餅餅同水水, Sheryl呢part最happy, 係咁食d餅餅, 仲一路食一路開心到手舞足蹈!!!  老師仲問佢做咩咁開心?  咪因為"為食"囉, 真失禮.......

最後果半個鐘就係國語老師lead (呢個時候我就換左daddy入黎, 因為我d"煲東瓜"真係好普通!!! 我順便可以休息下, 同佢一齊上playgroup其實係好攰架!)

4.  circle time唱歌玩玩具warm up

5.  出playground玩滑梯搖搖板etc.

6.  玩下table tasks, 入coins etc.

上完堂12pm, 平時Sheryl呢個時間食緊粥仔, 過多一陣就瞓晏覺啦, 今日可以"捱"到咁晏都唔扭計已經好叻叻啦! 

上左第一堂嘅感覺好好, 個group好organised, 地方又大, Sheryl都ok enjoy架!


有帽, polo shirt, 校服裙同書包! (好認真wakakakaka!)


話晒都係第一套"校服", 點都要影相留念!

仲有個oversize嘅"書包", 好明顯係比幼稚園d小朋友用嘅, 對Sheryl黎講, 實在太太太太太......大啦!

著住"校服"咩住"書包", 好開心咁喎!

希望阿囡你第時真係返學果時都係咁開心就好啦!  玩到情緒高漲.............

一不留神企唔穩.....坐左係度之後, 個書包差d大個佢, wakakakakaka!

6 則留言:

  1. 讚讚讚 好熱鬧的部落格 支持你 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  2. 條校服裙都好大條喎,要打底先得喎!

  3. it is sooo funny to see her wearing her oversized school bag!!

    i m also thinking if i should let ddj go to playgroup, like little academy, little gym, etc or go to playgroups organized by kindergarten, like tt, anfield, victoria, etc. seems the later ones cost a double but the teachers are more professionals & school environment is nicer... coz we will let him go to kindergarten playgroup no matter what when he can walk (at about 1 yr old). still thinking... where to go now... coz it's so bored to stay at home or shop all the time ma. ;p

  4. i have already lined up for victoria right after ddj is borned. i think should be able to get into its playgroup. but the problem is i dont like victoria's english + cantonese teaching. i rather have eng + mandarin. however, letting him go to victoria's playgroup can pretty much ensure that he can go into its pre-nursery.
    how much s tt's pre-nursery ar? i remember its playgroup is like HK$4xx per class.

  5. Can you kindly tell me the fee for joining Tutor Time's playgroup? How many days per week can we choose? And when can we send the application, i mean at what age should our kids be when sending them the application? Does your daughter enjoy the class till now? Sorry for too many questions and thanks for your kind advice.

  6. Sorry that I am not good at typing Chinese. My daughter starts PIPS playgroup at kowloon station in Nov. I don't like it as there is a lot of free time, we have to prepare our snack, no Mandarin class. It seems that tutor time is quite good. Do you need to wait for a long time? Any trial class? How much does it cost? Sorry to ask so many questions. Thanks in advance for your help and sharing.
