2010年1月9日 星期六

再黎jumbo animals - 農場

學識之前果set jungle animals, 開始玩下Farm animals先!


Sheryl: 我識睇圖搵返隻實物出黎! 不過講就淨係識講pig同duck.

都係之前果set jungle animals吸引d, 呢set Sheryl無咩心機學, 玩一陣就走佬!!!!

6 則留言:

  1. these jumbo animals are really good teaching materials!! Sheryl learns quite fast!! already finished learning the previous set?! let let~~
    may i ask where did u buy them from? u mentioned that u bought it from the US? is there any place i can buy in HK?
    how much does it cost? expensive?
    thank you very much!!

  2. thanks!! do u think it's worth to buy in hk? seems quite expensive...

  3. Hello,
    Thank you for sharing so much information in your blog. I am amazed how dedicated you are in taking care and teaching your little Sheryl.
    I am a mom of 2 twin boys. They are now 15 months old. Wonder if you can give me some recommendations on teaching material. My boys are very active and outgoing. They are now starting to talk. The little one can say about 20 words loud and clear. He's a quick learner and has curiosity on everything. And the big boy is a little laid-back and talk less but he is catching up (now can say about 5-10 words).
    I didn't let them to see TVs but I show them Disnery 'Sing and Learn' DVD may be once a week.They love it coz' they are quite responsive to music. I beleive these types of 'happy learning' material fits them best.
    How's Sheryl now? I bet she is having a great K1 life~
    Thanks in advance, Stella

  4. Thank you very much for your reply.
    I am also a working mom. It's certainly not easy to take care two bbs but I am trying my very best to balance work and be a good mother.
    Having reviewed your comments and serached on-line, I have already ordered a set of Pre-school Set from amazon. I have selected normal delivery and the estimated delivery date is October. God! If I have known this, I will have it send to Canada and ask my relative to bring back!
    How about the 123 sentence blender? I heard some good comments about this set too! How about Leap Frog?! They have many educational CDs and stuff too. Somehow, it's really difficult to select useful and relevant books and toys for them. I am a strong believer in fun learning (especially for active boys like mine, haha).
    Barney has lots of different materials. Which series would you recommend for my boys?!
    Your selections all look cool and relevant. Look at those jungle animals( where do you get it btw)! haha, I would love them too if I were kid.
    Very happy to know that Cheryl will be going to Pre-nursery soon. Wish her a quick and happy start! (which school is she going btw? I am also working on the school selections these day .. what a work!!!)
    Thank you so much again! Thumb up to You!
    Cheers, Stella

  5. 你好! 見到Sheryl著住校服番學, 我都替你感動!
    一下子, 小人兒便要自立上學去, 心情一定又緊張又興奮. 當媽媽的亦不容易. 相信你一定很擔心呢喃 見到你細心為她安排一切便知道你是一個好媽媽.
    我亦有朋友的女兒今年入維多利亞( 何文田), 所以見到這件校服, 特別有感覺! 其實, 我都打算比我的兒子讀維多利亞. 聽說playgroup學生機會較大. 等了很久, 終於下個月可以上playgroup, 希望他們喜歡! Sheryl是細女都考到, 一定是醒目女!
    我訂的Pre-School Prep已經到啦. 播了幾次Meet the Letters, 反應麻麻! 睇 一陣便走開, 好似興趣不大. 是咪應該先看Meet the Colors/ Meet the Shapes先呢!
    我朋友都跟我推薦Barney & You Baby Can Read. 我兒子對有音樂的東西最有興趣, 如果是唱歌仔的東西一定合心意! 是否應該先試試 Barney呢?
    我在淘寶見到好多Barney DVD. 可否麻煩你看看這些可以嗎 ?
    p.s. 我也有3隻小狗呢!

  6. 多謝指教, 我會再努力的. 依家都是會早跟晚各播1次A-E, 然後聽幾次ABC Songs, 小兒子有時會跟住講, 但未真正認識. 我都會用其他教材, 希望快點見成效啦! 其實都只是1星期不到, 哈哈!
    我經常仔仔放小狗, 他們對小狗好好, 會拿狗帶又會拍拍同Kiss, 好搞笑!
    過2天我們一家出發去北海道, 希望仔仔合作同玩得開心啦!
    Sheryl第2個星期, 適應了沒有, 希望她能開心學習!
