2010年2月26日 星期五


2月26至28日會展又有bb展, 不過今次係"成長教育展"成份居多.  都好, 因為Sheryl已經唔係bb, 去bb展都無咩好買, 返而想搵d台灣出版嘅教材 ("東西圖書"係我target之一, 因為佢地d products唔係好貴但係質素好, 好多都係比幼稚園用嘅.

星期五下晝去, 行得好舒服, 因為一d都唔多人, 仲比我搵到想搵嘅嘢添, hehe!

"東西圖書'嘅Let's Find Out", 不過太重要下星期先免費送貨黎我屋企:

"東西圖書" A Picture Reader, 即時自己拎走;

有書, VCD, 字卡圖卡, 發聲貼錢, 雙語發聲筆(送貨先送黎):

故事內容簡單, 又多公仔:

有flash cards 同  雙語(英普)VCD:

之後再行完成個會場都只係買到一本書 ( $39), 因為Sheryl好鍾意屋企隻gingerbread man公仔......

其實都好想買呢一set, 不過都係等Sheryl大d先啦, 有排都未識!  好希望Sheryl可以學好d中文!

5 則留言:

  1. i also went there last fri afternoon. didnt bump into u tim. haha~ i would be able to recognise a pretty mom like u.

  2. i bought some english books, PTH songs & dvds, 4 tommie cups (no spilling ones), logico ...
    is sherly using bottles with nipples to drink her milk? i bought those 4 tommie cups as i am trying to let ddj drink milk through a cup rather than a bottle with nipples.

  3. i bought 2 kinds - one with straw & one without straw. these cups really dont spill. i really love them.
    today i let ddj try to drink his milk at afternoon with the straw cup. he is fine with it. i am so happy. u can try try too.

  4. 媽媽我唔識英文真係難攪....想教都教唔到....我只係買左d中文嘅dvd同書比佢睇....我都知睇dvd唔係咁好...但都唔知點教佢好...諗住比d動物同圖形佢睇下..佢睇到好多公仔所以肯睇我又可以做其他野....我見你呢套有中文...可以係邊買或訂到呢??同有咩好介紹呢???thx!!!

  5. 唔該晒呀....我睇到呢個媽媽有得賣..同佢講好多早教嘅野
    let's find out賣幾錢架...我見有d3千幾..有d2千幾....其實係一樣野定要買幾樣呢...同你覺得值得嗎.....會唔會好快玩厭或唔玩呢??皓b應該幾時開始呢...thx!!
