2007年9月8日 星期六


一直都好想同大家分享下一d好睇0既狗書, 呢個series 係我最鍾意0既, 佢有好basic 0既info, 都有d好interesting 0既資料, 仲有好多靚相!  大家覺唔覺香港d狗書狗雜誌講黎講去都係果d野, 無新意之餘講d野又表面!  外國呢d就唔同, 睇得出寫既人好有heart, 做過好多research, 有時仲會睇到忍唔住會心微笑架!


每本講一種breed, 好似本雜誌咁厚, 仲有好多靚相!

呢篇係講Lab 0既, 當我睇到第4點, 即刻笑左出黎, 因為係CoCo    0既強項!!!!
  同埋第7個reason "Their height makes them just right for petting!" - 又係喎, 我企0係度, 垂低隻手就摸到CoCo個頭, 真係好方便!

嘩...............lab BB 呀 ~~~~~~!!!!!!

呢篇係講金毛0既, 第一個Con好arm呀, 差唔多屋企每一個地方, 都有Milky d毛出現!!!!!!


4 則留言:

  1. 香港有無得買架?貴唔貴架?有無ISBN No.呢?

  2. 我英文好屎,我估我睇圖多D

  3. hello,
    i came across your blog yesterday and found it is very interesting, so surprise too that your 2 lovely dogs can do volanteering work in old ppl's home! your golden is very nice and cute, the lab looks so masculine and stocky (just like how it should be)...hehe, btw did you buys these or adopt them? my wife and i also have a golden, but they live in hk and i live in uk at the moment. hopefully will move back soon to be with them, my golden looks like yours, pale in colour...hehe, can you tell me whether the books above, are monthly magazines or actual books? the cover looks like they are from the USA or Austrailia. anyway keep posting your photos in here, i will visit again and again to see your dogs at work......o btw, i love your family cny photo............when i forward your blog's link to my wife, she said she will get those new year clothes for bear bear next year (our dog's name)...wakaka

  4. i found it....... http://www.dogwise.com/ItemDetails.cfm?ID=B11401&AffiliateID=45488&Method=3
    for those of you who want to buy it!!
