2007年8月2日 星期四

腎病疑雲 part 1

CoCo一直間唔中都會嘔, 大約一兩個月嘔一次, 每次都係食野前空肚嘔, d黃色0既液體, 有少少毛.  我地一直無理佢, 諗住嘔毛好平常!  直到近呢兩個星期, CoCo0既次數多左, 兩個星期嘔左成4,5, 次次都係空肚嘔, 最近一次d嘔吐物仲由黃色變成橙色!!!!!! 

於是就同佢book vet, 橫掂又買左保險, 梗係郁下都睇vet!  星期二打去book, 7日後0booking full(我地睇開何大成, 一定要7日前book), 點知姑娘話arm arm有個星期四0booking cancel, 可以比我地, 好彩!

星期二到星期四, CoCo都無再嘔, 而且食得訓得玩得曳得, 仲精神過我

不過穩陣起見, 都係要去睇睇!

醫生話嘔0既原因有好多, 可以係個胃本身0既問題, 又或者係其他器官例如肝, 腎等等, 佢話如果一兩個月先嘔一次無問題, 但係如果兩個星期內嘔成4,5次就係alarming, 佢建議驗血, 一次過check晒多個器官0function!  CoCo一向驚醫生驚都腳軟, 0係我地同醫生傾緊0既時候, 佢已經多次周圍搵出口, 搵唔到, 就扮石像坐0CoCo爸隔離, 郁都唔敢郁!

屎啦, 仲要抽血, 佢實嚇屎都有份, 如果掙扎就仲死!  Vet assistant攬實CoCo, 醫生就捉起佢隻手抽血, 佢竟然一d都唔郁, 5秒攪掂! 

等驗血報告等左成半粒鐘, 醫生話一切正常, 除左……creatinine 高過正常, creatinine係一種肌肉metabolism 0by-product, (muscular 0既狗理論上越高creatinine) creatinine經過血液去到腎臟, 由腎臟過濾, 如果血液內creatinine, 即係代表腎臟有事, CoCo  0 creatinine指數係屬於輕度, 即係最初期!  聽到之後, 我個心一沉, 因為腎病係無得醫0, 受損0既腎元係唔會復元, 可以做0, 就只係延長腎衰竭0既時間!

醫生話, creatinine上升高過正常, 即係腎功能已經無左60% (即係一係check唔到, check既時候已經係無左60% function), 而腎病可以係遺傳0(即係防不勝防, 又係無良breeders做0既好事!), 佢建議如果confirm左係腎病, 就要即刻轉食低蛋白質低phosphrate處方糧, 同埋唔可以再食任何肉類!  醫生建議再驗埋尿, 先可以confirm係咪腎病, 咁我地即刻帶CoCo出街尿尿, 我地已經嚇到三魂唔見左七魄, CoCo仲要係都唔呵尿, 攪左好耐, 先呵到少少, 跟住又要等驗尿報告, 真係一路等一路震!

結果......驗尿報告正常, 應該唔係腎病! 不過都要一個月後覆診, 再驗血驗尿!  當我知道結果0既時候, 真係鬆左一口氣, 雖然之後要再check, 但係總算係一個好消息!

阿囝0係診所期間 (10點到12點半), d 姑娘姐姐勁鍾意佢(d姑娘姐姐taste真係好
, “表演晒佢識0, 結果食左姑娘姐姐半盒treats!!!!!!
, 阿媽我梗係開心啦, 不過比醫生嚇一嚇, 真係寧願只要佢健健康康, 叻唔叻, 又有咩所謂? 

腎病疑雲仲未完全解決, 不過而家開始, CoCo 0既飲食要嚴格控制, 連運動都要暫時減少d, d肌肉metabolism rate低返d, 睇下下次覆診, creatinine會唔會低返啦!

上網搵到關於creatinine 0既資料:

The serum (or blood) urea nitrogen level and the serum creatinine
levels are both indicators of kidney function. Both of these values tend to
rise when the kidneys are not functioning efficiently.

The urea nitrogen level is less specific to kidney damage than the
creatinine level. Rises in BUN can occur after a high protein meal, in
response to muscle damage, when corticosteroids are being used and when
dehydration or urinary obstruction is present when there is no kidney
damage. Usually these rises are not severe, though.
When kidney
disease is present the BUN tends to rise faster than the creatinine so it is
sometimes considered to be a more sensitive indicator of kidney function, as long as the non kidney causes for it rise are not present.

Creatinine is more specific for kidney disease. It can rise when dogs
are fed diets high in cooked meat but these rises tend to be small. It can
rise when there is dehydration or a urinary obstruction even though the
kidneys are not damaged yet. However, for the most part rises in creatinine do indicate damage to the kidneys. Over time, the rise in creatinine
levels is a little better indicator for how
glomerular damage is progressing
than the BUN. A chronic slow rise in the creatinine is an indication of
ongoing damage.

For both creatinine and BUN, it is important to look at other
indicators of how the body is doing to be sure that there isn't a problem like dehydration or urinary blockage leading to the rises in the BUN and creatinine, instead of kidney damage. If the urine is concentrated, kidney damage is less likely. If the patient is normally hydrated but has protein in large quantities in the urine, then glomerular disease might be present even
if the BUN and creatinine are not very high. So the BUN and creatinine are important indicators of kidney function but they have to be considered
based on the patient's overall condition and the potential for diseases
other than kidney disease to be present.

When monitoring chronic kidney disease, sudden rises in BUN are a good
reason to evaluate overall patient care to be sure that hydration is
good and that there is not an additional problem present, since the BUN
rises more easily due to these types of problems. Rises in the creatinine
occur more slowly but are a stronger indication of long term damage to the
kidney, so rises in the creatinine indicate a need to try to help the
body compensate for the loss of kidney function.

4 則留言:

  1. bb都係1-2個月左右嘔一次黃色水架! 多謝你既提醒, 我都要小心留意下呢個豆腐仔喇...

  2. 希望coco冇事啦!

  3. 無事既無事既,唔好嚇自己

  4. 朱古力奶媽,睇定D,唔好自己嚇自己
